Sunday, October 16, 2016

Losing Ground

The name Donald Trump is quickly becoming an expletive with the Republican Party's moderate members. His name, his nature, and his actions are turning away loyal conservatives to either not vote, or vote for Hillary Clinton, the bane of all Republicans. This is evident throughout the country, but no more so than in Arizona. This historically red state has been carried by every Republican contender for president since Eisenhower. Except for once. In 1996 they voted for Slick Bill Clinton, and I believe that this year, Arizona will also go to Hillary Clinton. Now, with both candidates polling within one point of each other, it is starting to look as though Donald is losing his base. The state's conservatives, including the two sitting senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake, have criticized and attacked Donald Trump on his rhetoric and dangerous policies. While this itself may not dissuade voters, Donald has also neglected to campaign in Arizona, thinking that it was in the proverbial bag. Not so fast, Donald. You very well could be the person that scares Arizona back into the Clinton's fold. With Arizona only one in a slew of states that Donald Trump has ostracized in his bumbling attempt for the presidency there is one clear loser in this campaign and that is the Republican Party. From the RNC to the state organizations to local politicians, Donald Trump has spectacularly sabotaged the very party he claims to be representing. His poor character and bombastic attitude have brought attacks upon the Republicans in both the Senate and the House and he risks not only losing his bid for the presidency, but also contributing to the loss of Republican legislators that will undoubtedly take place come election day.

Joe Engels

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