Sunday, October 2, 2016

Voter Registration Deadline

The Arizona deadline for voter registration is coming up on October 10. I'm curious as to why states have voter registration laws; traditionally voter registration laws/voter ID laws have benefited the Republican Party, due to the lack of voter turnout. However, upon further research, most states are like Arizona in the fact a person has to have their registration in by a certain date (the actual date varies between state, generally anywhere from October 8-November 3), so I wonder if the enactment of these laws was a political move, or for more practical reasons like not having ridiculous registration lines at polling places.

Also, another interesting tidbit about this Arizona voter registration story is the fact October 10 is Columbus Day--which means no mail, and no mail means no mail-in voter registration. The Democrats in Arizona tried to change it, because no mail on the 10th means the deadline is actually the 8th, however I gotta hand it to the Republicans. To put the voter registration day on a holiday is genius; people who forgot to register or held it off to the last minute now won't be able to send in their registration, further helping the Republican cause (although some counties said they would also take registration on Tuesday the 11th). It's a bold strategy, let's see if it pays off for them.


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